• Sub-Gremlins and Gremlins are allowed a maximum of three total events. Bantams, Midgets and Youth are allowed to compete in a maximum of four events providing at least one event is a relay. Intermediates and above are allowed any four events.
  • The competition uniform that is provided is the only one allowed for use during the meets. If tights are worn, then the competition shorts MUST be worn over them.
  • Athletes should report to their Age Group Coach at least 30 minutes before their scheduled event for warm-up.
  • Name tags will be given to each athlete by their Age Group Coach or Age Group Parent. These tags are to be worn for all events. Athletes checking into running events without tags will not be allowed to run.
  • Athletes should listen carefully for the announcer’s call of all events. There should be three calls for each event.
  • Parents are not usually allowed on the field unless they are volunteering.

Field Events: Athletes should check in at the appropriate field event, upon hearing “first call” of that event. If an athlete needs to report for a running (or another) event, the athlete needs to “check out” of the present event by informing the meet official running the event (the one with the clipboard) of the need to check out and go to another event. The athlete has 5 minutes after the event to check back in to the field event; if not checked back in within that time frame, the athlete may not be allowed back in the event.
Running Events: Athletes should be wearing their tags and be warmed up upon hearing “first call”. Athletes then report to the staging location of their running event upon hearing “second call”. If athlete is wearing spiked shoes, at home, they need to wear 3/16th pyramid spikes.

Please Note

– It is not the responsibility of the Age Group Coach to find athletes for their events. Please pay attention to the calls.
– Ribbons will be awarded to all participating athletes. Ribbons will be handed out at practice following the meet. Under no circumstances should an athlete ask for his/her ribbon or time at the scoring table.
– Athletes in running events: Stay in your lane until you are released by the lane or zone judge. Interference with another runner is cause for disqualification. Running on the in-field with an athlete (called “pacing”), even if intent may be to cheer on, is cause for disqualification.

Please Remember

– No Smoking
– No Alcohol
– No Dogs
– No Cranky Parents