Events will begin at 8:30 A.M.
The order of the competition will be as follows:

Running Events (all times are approximate (do not rely on them!)) :

Time Event Age Group
8:45 am 3000 Meter Run Midget through Young Adult
9:00 am 80/100 Meter Hurdles Midget through Young Adult
9:30 am 4×100 Meter Relay Sub-Gremlins through Young Adult
10:30 am 1500 Meter Run Sub-Gremlins through Young Adult
11:30 am 400 Meter Dash Sub-Gremlins through Young Adult
12:30 pm 100 Meter Dash Sub- Gremlins through Young Adult
1:30 pm 800 Meter Run Sub- Gremlins through Young Adult
2:00 pm 200 Meter Dash Sub-Gremlins through Young Adult
2:30 pm 4×400 Meter Relay Gremlins through Young Adult

Field Events (first age group begins with the next to follow):

Time Event Age Group
8:30 am High Jump Bantam Girls-Boys, Midget Girls-Boys, Youth Girls-Boys, 15-18 Girls-Boys
8:30 am Long Jump Sub & Gremlin Girls-Boys, 15-18 Boys-Girls, Midget Girls-Boys, Youth Girls-Boys, Bantam Girls-Boys
8:30 am Shot Put Youth Boys-Girls, 15-18 Girls-Boys, Bantam Girls-Boys, Midget-Girls Boys
8:30 am Javelin Junior Girls-Boys Bantam Girls-Boys Gremlin Girls-Boys Youth and 15-18 Girls-Boys; Genders can be called together

Intermediates and Young Adults (15-18) are combined group.