Sign-up FAQ Sheet 2025


Note that the Uniform Form has a drop down menu for Age Group and sizes.

If you are returning athlete and your information has not changed, you only need the following: Please complete and send (or email) the Uniform, Volunteer and Information Forms (with payment). For in person registration, you only need to verify the information in the computer is correct and pay.

If you are new to the program, on the Forms page, please READ, COMPLETE and sign the Player Contract (athlete also signs in middle of page), COVID-19 Waiver, Code of Conduct & Medical Waiver (athlete also signs), Uniform, Volunteer and Information forms. ESSENTIAL: Please submit (or email) a COPY of your child’s birth certificate or passport for us to hang on to.
On the Player Contract you are agreeing to 1 through 7 only, not 8; ATHLETE signs first section; parent signs bottom section. The uniform will be new and you get to keep it (unless returning athlete choses the credit). Please review the other pages on the website as they will answer most questions.

After completing the two steps above, proceed to the computer area and enter your contact info. Lastly go to check out and turn in your completed forms and payment.

Everyone will also need to enter their email addresses in the separate computer where indicated.

Avoid all the above by Mailing (or emailing) the forms and payment (payable to Valley Raiders or VRTC) (and BIRTH CERTIFICATE, if new) to Don Barton, 15260 Ventura Blvd Suite 1200 | Sherman Oaks, CA | 91403. Pick up practice shirt at practice.

Mail In (or email with venmo )Registration prior to December 31, 2024: $160 for first athlete of the family, $160 for second & $105 for third. Plus $100 volunteer deposit per family. If you would like to pay cash, please put a note and we can arrange for collection. [Less $20 credit for returning athletes who use their same uniform (either navy or royal blue)]

During 1/1-1/12: $175 for the first athlete of family, $175 for the second & $125 for the third. Plus $100 volunteer deposit per family.

During 1/12 to 2/3: $190 for the first athlete of family, $190 for the second & $130 for the third. Plus $100 volunteer deposit per family. [Less same credit as above]

During 2/3 to 3/2: $205 for the first, $205 for the second & $140 each additional. Plus $100 volunteer deposit per family.[Less same credit as above]

After 3/2: (if allowed by the league): $220 each athlete.

Please note that if you do not have all the forms (including Birth Certificate) and fees submitted by 3/2, your application will be declined and no refund will be allowed.

We rely on volunteers to get things done. This year, in addition to each athlete’s registration fee there is a $100 per family volunteer deposit, which you can earn back by volunteering a total of ten (10) hours at meets during the season. Otherwise, your deposit will be considered donated and used to help pay operating expenses and for uniforms, supplies, and equipment. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities (see Volunteer Form-2nd page), which range from easy to painfully easy, and pitching in to help is part of the experience. Once you have contributed your volunteer time, you can fill out a Request for Refund (on the Forms Page). If you do not complete and submit a Request for Refund by no later than 7 days prior to picnic (or pick up your check no later than the picnic), your deposit will be deemed a donation to the club. Refund checks will be at the picnic.

Your registration fee includes one VRTC Practice T-shirt. Please print large enough to see the athlete’s FIRST NAME (or the name he/she prefers to go by); Wearing the practice t-shirt is REQUIRED at all practices.
Also, and we can’t say it enough times, ALWAYS WEAR SWEATS TO PRACTICE, every practice.
Extra practice T-shirts are $10. We have adult sizes in most items if you want to match your kids.
Other Valley Raiders logo fan gear may be for sale.

Can be made payable to Valley Raiders or VRTC. Returned checks will incur a $25 fee. You can Venmo @valleyraiders (if you see our logo, that is correct page-no confirmation tel # needed). Cash at in-person registration or practice.

Through 2/11: Full refund less clothing received.
2/12 to 3/4: 50% refund after deducting for clothing received
After 3/4: No refund.
Multiple Kids: Refund lower kids’ amounts first, as listed above.

The above may change depending on when we start. Please note that if you do not provide notice prior or don’t have all the forms (including Birth Certificate) and fees submitted by 3/5, no refund will be allowed.

Sub Gremlin born during ………..2019-2020 ……………Monday & Wednesday 5:30 – 6:30 (max 7:00 pm)
Gremlin ………………………………2017-2018 ……………..Monday & Wednesday 5:30 – 6:30 (max 7:00 pm)
Bantam ……………………………….2015-2016………………..Monday & Wednesday 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Junior …………………………………2013-2014…………….Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Youth ………………………………….2011-2012……………..Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:00 – 7:30 pm
15-18 (Young Adults)……………………2007-2010……………Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Everyone also practices on Saturday from 9:00 – 11:00am (until meets start)
Everyone attends PARENT MEETING/Training and Time Trials from 8:45 to ~11:00am !!
You may scan or use your phone to take a picture of your child’s birth certificate or passport and e-mail it to Please list your child’s name as the subject of the e-mail.